Sunday, October 25, 2009

that I am scared of man generally~

but not all. Okay. So maybe drunken ones but I'm not scared of my friends who get drunk.

Title rephrased: I'm scared of  "tambays".

Tambays are people who get drunk on the streets, pathways and corridors in the streets of Manila.

Here was the situation. I got lost on my way home and the only one who was there that could help was a drunk guy. I didn't need his help but anyway, there's someone who asked him to go with me. And I think it was a stupid decision because.. on the way, he was asking my number, was asking my age, and was asking if he could hold my hand?!!! And to be left in a house alone with him on the outside, this is scaring me to death.

Even though how much I talk and act to him cooly, close to being irrespectful, I think - there he was. And though how much I think of the theories of feminism - there he was - a product of centuries of machismo which cannot be easily daunted, changed and slapped in the face. I don't want to live in this kind of world but rather a world where women were respected and treated equally as a human being and not just a sex object.

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