Friday, October 16, 2009

that life is an echo, as well as it is an ice cream~

"Life is an echoe.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions."
 ~ Katsutoshi Kojima

When I sent e-mail to my Japanese friend (who is also a volunteer of ACCE), yahoo mail automatically pasted my signature "Life is an ice cream, eat it before it melts." I like this quote because I love ice cream and I love life, so I personally believe that I should not let my life pass me by and spent it in "useful" acts. D: I heard this from the movie "Black", a movie about a mentally-disabled person who tried her very hard to graduate in a university with her teacher (since childhood) always beside her. For the first time that she typed (in a typewriter especially for made for the blind) in a fast rate, her professor asked her to celebrate by eating ice cream. Her mother wondered and the teacher said "Life is an ice cream, eat it before it melts".

Apparently, the quote also touched Koji. :D And he replied with another explanation of life through metaphor. He said he learned this from the people in Cambodia. Life gives us back everything we say or do.. so learning from this I must say and act what I wanted to be said on me or acted towards me - similar to the golden rule.

What will you get back after helping other people?
Most compassionate people do not ask for something in return,
yet they receive a much greater gift in the end,
which commonly, becomes their most treasured.

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